

Quick Park Oława with Reserved, House, Cropp and Sinsay!


The four most popular clothing brands owned by LPP - Reserved, House, Cropp and Sinsay joined the tenants of Quick Park Oława. The total area of the lease will amount to 2731 m2, where the retail space will be: Reserved 1726 m2, House 321 m2, Cropp 332 m2 and Sinsay 352 m2. The grand opening of the shopping center is scheduled for the second half of 2017.

LPP SA is the largest apparel company in Central and Eastern Europe. The company manages five recognizable brands: RESERVED, Cropp, House, MOHITO and SiNSAY. It has a network of over 1700 shops and creates jobs for more than 22,000 people. Employees in offices and sales structures. Only in 2016 LPP brands sold more than 120 million items of clothing and accessories, earning more than 1.3 billion euros.


ul. Złota 44/456, 00-120 Warsaw


+48 22 620 46 00